About the Lodge

Coyote Lake Lodge wellness in nature centre is a wheelchair accessible, family-oriented recreation destination with a low environmental footprint. Our 195 hectare (480 acre) property of forests and hay field is located 60 km directly west of Leduc and the Edmonton International Airport.

Accommodation and Fee Structure

  • 500 square metre accessible main building with wrap-around deck, 40-person dining room, commercial kitchen with a walk-in food cooler, meeting room, library, three accessible washrooms, and three accessible bedrooms.
  • Four two-bedroom cabins (9 x 9 m) with bathroom, kitchen and sitting area. Two are fully wheelchair accessible. All are connected to the main building by concrete pathways. There is a BBQ beside a small picnic table near each cabin.

Trails for Exercise and Wildlife Viewing

Wilderness hiking trails (12 km) are grass surface at present with lookout points at features such as beaver ponds.

In time we will be constructing shelters so trekkers can rest, have lunch, photograph wildlife, and escape rain, hail, and snow storms.

Trails are groomed for cross-country skiing in the winter.

Adaptive Equipment for Seniors and Persons with a Disability

Our first purchases were TrailRiders which are glorified wheelbarrows. These one wheeled units can carry anyone with limited mobility even up mountainsides. One person at the back controls the balance and also the brake. One or more individuals pull the unit forward.

We also have adapted bikes including double bikes which are particularly handy for a sighted person on the front seat and a sight-limited person on the rear seat.

Canoes and double kayaks are fantastic to get persons with a disability to experience the freedom and comfort of a day on a river or lake. One might also add fishing to the experience!

Gardens and Orchard

Since purchasing Coyote Lake Lodge Alberta, volunteers have developed two vegetable gardens and more recently planted a fruit orchard. Coyotes dug up potatoes and played with them. Elk ate the raspberry bushes to the point that there were no berries. Rabbits chewed the bark from the apple and pear trees. The solution was fence construction! Now we can serve food banks with much more produce.